The role of heart rate intervals on exercise effects
According to the condition of metabolic circulation and energy consumption in the human body without heart rate intervals, we can deduce the different exercise effects under different heart rate intervals.
Warm-up and relaxation zone: 50%~60% of maximum heart rate
Warm-up exercise is to use a short period of low-intensity action before exercise, so that the body gradually adapt to the upcoming more intense exercise, so as to prevent the occurrence of sports injuries.

The relaxation exercise after fitness can make the tense muscles gradually relax, the heart rate of exercise gradually slow down, the elevated blood pressure gradually reduce, the excitement gradually calm. This individual process center rate should be maintained between 50%-60% of the maximum heart rate, too low will make the body take longer to heat up, too high is too much intensity.
Fat burning zone: 60% to 70% of maximum heart rate
The main source of energy for athletes to run is fat and carbohydrates, in this area, the body is mainly through the burning of fat for exercise energy, so the fat burning zone is the most important area for people who want to lose weight through exercise. In fact, this is also the heart rate zone where most low-intensity exercisers are most often located.
If the purpose of our running exercise is to effectively reduce fat or control body fat rate, then control the heart rate at 60%-70% of the maximum heart rate, and as much as possible to ensure a steady training time, you will get the ideal exercise effect.
Glycogen consumption zone: 70%-80% of the maximum heart rate
As the intensity of running increases, the energy supplied by carbohydrates increases accordingly, when entering the glycogen depletion zone, the heart rate rises to 70%-80% of the maximum heart rate, although it will continue to burn fat, but at this time carbohydrates become the main energy supply material.
Running training in the glycogen depletion zone is a good aerobic training, which can improve the heart capacity of the exerciser, increase the output per beat, increase lung capacity, improve the maximum oxygen intake, and can effectively exercise cardiorespiratory function.
Lactic acid accumulation zone: 80% to 90% of the maximum heart rate
At the beginning of the exercise is, as long as the frequency and training time is more, you can get a rapid improvement, but with the increase in experience and physical quality of the exerciser, the increase in training volume has less and less impact on the exercise capacity, then the training intensity is not enough just to keep in the glycogen depletion zone, we have to increase the training in the lactic acid accumulation zone. When the heart rate reaches more than 80% of the maximum heart rate, the training intensity shifts from aerobic to anaerobic and the lactate buildup increases. Improving the body's ability to eliminate and accommodate lactate requires short intervals of training in the 80%-90% of maximum heart rate zone.
Body Limit Zone: 90% to 100% of maximal heart rate
In competition, when athletes must perform at 100% of their capacity in order to achieve better results, the exercise heart rate will approach or even exceed the maximum heart rate. Training in the 90% to 100% maximum heart rate zone will deplete the glycogen in the body faster and accumulate more lactic acid. When glycogen is gradually depleted, no matter how strong the willpower is, it will not be able to replenish the lack of energy in the body. If this physical limit is approached frequently and for a long time, it will be difficult for the body to adapt to this stress, so in the vast majority of cases, we should keep the training heart rate below 90% of the maximum heart rate.
In running exercise, blind training not only can not let us achieve the ideal training effect, but also may cause damage to our body, so the scientific use of heart rate monitoring to develop a reasonable training frequency, training intensity is very important for sportsmen.
To achieve the target results, do not neglect the heart rate!

So how do we know where our heart rate is in the zone and monitor it? In addition to medical devices, we can choose heart rate bands, heart rate watches or smart watches with heart rate monitoring functions to monitor. Nowadays, many popular heart rate watches or smart watches with heart rate monitoring function have heart rate measurement function, while heart rate chest straps and arm straps are also common heart rate measurement tools. Some relatively high-end smart watches on the market, such as Apple watch, HUAWEI watch, Samsung Galaxy watch, Veepoo watch RIG, Fitbit, Jiaming. Xiaomi and other smart watches can monitor the change of heart rate accurately. These smartwatches are not just simple heart rate monitoring, these smartwatches are instead more in the direction of health monitoring and monitoring. In addition to heart rate monitoring, there are also HRV, ECG, pulse rate, sleep apnea monitoring, blood oxygen monitoring, blood sugar monitoring and other functions. Smartwatches have moved away from the simple monitoring of steps and calories in the past. Now smart watches have turned to the direction of monitoring human health as the first priority. Smart watches are playing a bigger and bigger role in our daily life and sports.