You can take an electrocardiogram (ECG) with the ECG app
What is an ECG
An electrocardiogram (also called an ECG or EKG) is a test that records the timing and strength of the electrical signals that make the heart beat. By looking at an ECG, a doctor can gain insights about your heart rhythm and look for irregularities.
Take an ECG
You can take an ECG at any time, when you’re feeling symptoms such as a rapid or skipped heartbeat, when you have other general concerns about your heart health, or when you receive an irregular rhythm
Make sure that your Watch is snug and on the wrist that you selected in the Watch app. To check, open the Watch app dashboard,Tap ''MORE'' ,chooce ECG icon,Tap ''start''.
Rest your arms on a table or in your lap.
With the hand opposite your watch,put your finger on the side electrode.
Wait. The recording takes 35 seconds,detect result is show on app
Tap Save to note any symptoms, then tap Done.

How to read results
After a successful reading, you will receive one of the following type of results on your ECG app. Regardless of the result, if you aren't feeling well or are experiencing any symptoms, you should talk to your doctor.

Sinus rhythm
A sinus rhythm result means the heart is beating in a uniform pattern between 50 and 100 BPM. This happens when the upper and lower chambers of the heart are beating in sync. A sinus rhythm result only applies to that particular recording and doesn’t mean your heart beats with a consistent pattern all the time. It also does not mean that you're healthy. If you're not feeling well or are feeling any symptoms, you should talk to your doctor.

Atrial fibrillation
An AFib result means the heart is beating in an irregular pattern. The ECG app ver. 1 can check for AFib between 50 and 120 BPM. The ECG app ver. 2 can check for AFib between 50 and 150 BPM.* AFib is the most common form of serious arrhythmia, or irregular heart rhythm. If you receive an AFib classification and you have not been diagnosed with AFib, you should talk to your doctor.
ECG question
learn more about ECG from the American Heart Association.
Things you should know
Watch RIG cannot detect heart attacks. If you ever experience chest pain, pressure, tightness, or what you think is a heart attack, call emergency services immediately.
The irregular rhythm notification feature on Watch is not constantly looking for AFib. This means it cannot detect all instances of AFib, and people with AFib may not get a notification.
If you’re not feeling well, you should talk to your doctor even if you don’t get a notification. Symptoms such as a rapid, pounding, or fluttering heartbeat, dizziness, or fainting, can indicate a serious condition.
Do not change your medication without talking to your doctor.
In some instances, the notification may indicate the presence of an irregular heart rhythm